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Physician Assistant - Admission

Graduate Admission Office

(440) 826-8012,

Admission to the physician assistant program is a highly selective and competitive process, seeking to enroll candidates with the strongest academic preparation and a diversity of backgrounds and achievements. Selection is based on a combination of factors including academic performance (GPA and GRE), letters of recommendation, personal narrative, life/work experiences and an on-campus interview with program faculty.

Candidates have degrees from all academic areas, but must have completed the required prerequisites prior to enrollment. All collegiate coursework will be considered during the admission review process. While a minimum GPA of 3.0 is required to apply, on average, the average GPA of students selected for admission is above 3.7. Some preferences for selection include candidates with direct patient care experience, Baldwin Wallace University alumni and Ohio residents.

Additional Considerations for PA Candidates

Baldwin Wallace University does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, age, disability, national origin, gender or sexual orientation in the administration of any policies or programs.

If you have questions about the application and admission process, please call (440) 826-8012 or email

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